We recently reported that a pair of eyes posted above a coffee machine kept everybody honest. Now it turns out that store design can help prevent shop lifting, which in 2004 totaled an estimated $10 billion in losses.
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Two years ago, we reported that an 7.9 earthquake in Alaska in 2002 set off 200 smaller earthquakes 2,000 miles away in Yellowstone National Park that changed the schedule of some of Yellowstone’s geysers. Now another swarm of quakes is rattling Yellowstone. A quake measuring 5.7 on the Richter Scale has just struck off the coast of Sicily, but there are no reports of damage from either quake yet.

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Anne Strieber, (who is right-handed) was told by her neurologist that being left-handed is a higher stage of human evolution, because lefties use their ENTIRE brains to do everything, not just the opposite sides from righties, as they once thought. But sometimes, the right hand really may not know what the left hand is doing.

Scientists have learned that hand relies on a different set of sensory inputs to control its movement. In right-handed people, their dominant hand was found to be more dependent on vision for its guidance, while the left, non-dominant, hand was guided by body-based sensations from muscles, joints and skin.
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Researchers are firing up their supercomputers to try to figure out what changes global warming will bring us in the future.Recent episodes of deadly heat in the United States and Europe, long dry spells across the US West, and heavy bursts of rain and snow across much of North America and Eurasia hint at longer-term changes to come. Much of the world will face an enhanced risk of heat waves, intense rain, and other weather extremes.
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