If you worry about getting sick, are you more likely to become ill? This doesn’t sound fair but alas, it may be true.

It works that way with rats, anyway. Robert Roy Britt writes in LiveScience.com that when young female rats, of a breed that is know to be cancer-prone, were placed in an unfamiliar environment, the ones that became apprehensive developed cancerous tumors much sooner than the rats with more equanimity. There was no difference between the time they got the cancer and the time of death in the two sets of rats?the apprehensive ones just got sick sooner.

There’s a lesson there for humans in how to live.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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Major UFO sightings no longer matter to the national media, but they happen locally all the time, and the sightings that have been taking place in Tinley Park, Illinois “are among the most well-documented cases we have seen,” according to Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center. The description of these UFOs are startlingly similar to “bubba,” the UFO that was familiar to residents of Gulf Breeze, Florida in the 1990s. Whitley and Anne Strieber witnessed the Gulf Breeze UFO in 1996, and Whitley Strieber remembers it as being “the most beautiful ruby-colored light I have ever seen.”
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There is a rumor that there has been a military disaster inIraq involving an attack near the Green Zone and manyAmerican casualties. On October 10, a massive fire wasobserved at Forward Operations Base Falcon, one of thelargest US camps in Baghdad, and reported by BBC News.Andrew North reported on the BBC that eyewitnesses “believethere was some kind of attack on the base.” A US spokesmantold North that there had been “some indirect attacks” onthe base, which usually refers to mortar attacks. The USclaimed that there were no casualties, however a storypersists that there were actually substantial casualtiesfrom a well-organized assault. Huge fires were definitelyseen by reporters and are visible onBBCNews video.
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According to NASA, earthlike planets covered with deep oceans that could harbor life may be found in as many as a third of solar systems discovered outside of our own. Astronomers analyzing two of the deepest views of the cosmos made with NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have uncovered a gold mine of galaxies, more than 500 that existed less than a billion years after the Big Bang. These galaxies thrived when the cosmos was less than 7% of its present age of 13.7 billion years. This sample represents the most comprehensive compilation of galaxies in the early universe.
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