Researchers have discovered that people who think they are being watched are more honest?even if the eyes watching them don’t belong to a real person. Now scientists say that the fact that someone is NOT watching you DOES NOT mean that they aren’t hanging onto your every word.
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Whitley Strieber wants to know why today’s politicians seem so unconcerned about the next generation, even though most of them have children and even grandchildren. In his incredibly provocative new journal, he continues this theme, as he relates the current scandal involving former congressman Mark Foley to another scandal that is probably much more serious, but which has been swept aside and forgotten.

Photo credit: David Slade

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The US military has developed a new surveillance drone that is virtually invisible. Researchers know that, due to the way our eyes work, fast-moving helicopter blades cannot be seen, except as a blur. Now they have used this knowledge to design an entire plane that spins so quickly that it’s invisible. Since it’s a drone (meaning there are no pilots), there is no problem with the g forces. But who will they use it to spy on?
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We’ve reported in the past that cancer has eternal life. Now there may be a pill that prevents its spread, which is what usually kills people who contract the disease.

A chemically altered form of vitamin E mixed into mouse chow dramatically reduced spread of aggressive mammary cancer in mice, suggesting that this could be used to treat human cancer as well. It may be given to cancer patients as a dietary supplement because, according to researcher Emmanuel T. Akporiaye, it “was more effective when incorporated into food.” Mice eating the super chow had a 4.8-fold reduction in the number of tumors that spread to the lungs, compared to control mice. An even greater effect was seen when the animals began eating the super chow as a cancer preventive.
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