Scientists don’t understand exactly how we identify the many odors we smell every day. Biologists have found evidence that while we may not be consciously aware of it, people can sniff out the chemical signals of sexual attraction. Aromatherapists say that they can create a bubble bath that improves memory, a kitchen cleaner that wards off nausea and gives us energy, and a scented handkerchief that can calm a claustrophobic patient who has to have an MRI.

BBC News reports that a team of US scientists has discovered a whole new class of receptors lining the inside of the nose that are used by mice (which are more like us that we may want to admit) to detect pheromones, the sex hormone scents that are released by their mates. These are also found in humans.
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Antibiotic-resistant Superbugs are a real problem in hospitals, where they’re created, but they’re even more of a problem when they walk out with discharged patients, and with their visitors and the health workers who take care of them, and infiltrate the general population. But now someone has invented a kind of CSI for dangerous superbugs?a superbug detector.
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When we read or listen to the daily news, it seems like war is a never ending condition of life: new wars start and old ones never end. Sometimes even the players stay the same: The TV show 60 Minutes recently interview Bob Woodward about his new book State of Denial, Bush at War, in which he reveals that Henry Kissinger, the mastermind behind the Vietnam war, is now briefing the Bush White House weekly about the war in Iraq.
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Big tobacco companies are reeling under a recent $200 billion class action lawsuit which says that they falsely advertised “light” cigarettes as safe, even though they were no safer than other brands. Most smokers are now desperately trying to quit. Menthol and non-menthol cigarettes appear to be equally harmful, but scientists have discovered that if you smoke menthol cigarettes, it’s even harder to stop smoking, so your first step might be to switch brands.
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