The Chinese are experimenting with clothes that can be made out of fabrics created from recycled chicken feathers but the Japanese are in the forefront when it comes to clothing evolution. First they invented a cloak that makes the wearer invisible. Now they’ve invented a suit that turns the person wearing it into Superman..

The inventors think it will probably be used to help lift hospital patients and heavy objects. It enables the wearer to lift a 180 pound weight using half the strength that would normally be needed to do the job. The suit itself weighs 66 pounds, but in, Tariq Malik quotes inventor Hiroe Tsukui as saying, “When I wear it, I don’t feel that it’s heavy at all. The sensors can tell the muscle power needed to lift an object.”
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Even talking on a hands-free phone while driving is dangerously distracting, because scientists say our brains are not capable of paying attention to more than one thing at a time. So why is it safe to listen to the radio?and not just music, but traffic advisories?while driving?

We can listen to a car radio and drive while keeping an eye on changing traffic conditions. These are separate complex tasks that we can do at the same time without much trouble. But if two people are talking to us at the same time, our perceptual frequencies get jammed.
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UPDATE – So many of you are snapping up the wonderful bargains on the sale section of our web site store, that we’ve added FIVE NEW items! You can trust your vibes about secret societies and William Henry’s Egypt, learn about the ripple effect, and find out that, when it comes to UFO experiences, you are NOT alone. Keep reading to find out more!

After Whitley published Communion, the Striebers received so many letters from people who had had the SAME experiences that Anne Strieber had to hire a secretary just to help her open them! She collected the very BEST of them in The Communion Letters. Read it to learn the secrets that the government and the official UFO community DON’T want you to know!
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Whitley Strieber has written a devastating new journal about 911 and what dark secrets may be lurking behind the fa

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