What is being described by NASA as an “unidentified object” has delayed today’s shuttle landing. Atlantis commander Brent Jett radioed this message: “It’s fairly small?It was departing away from us, maybe 1 or 2 feet per second. It wasn’t rising or falling?It was definitely moving away fairly quickly.”
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A 26 pound stone slab found in a gravel pit by a road building crew in Veracruz, Mexico is the oldest piece of writing ever found in the Americas, dating back almost 3,000 years to the Olmec civilization (who came before the Mayans and the Aztecs). And a 700-year-old Hindu manuscript that has been hidden away in a wooden box is finally being read.
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Researchers at Princeton University have discovered that a widely-used Diebold voting machine can be opened with your average mini-bar key. Once one of these machines is tampered with, it can be used to create a computer virus that will spread to other machines and secretly change all the votes in a district (or perhaps in the entire country).
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Researchers who say they have scientific proof for life after death and for psychic transmission of information presented their evidence at a recent meeting of the British Assoc. for the Advancement of Science in the UK, causing great controversy.

Mark Henderson writes in the London Times that most of this research from biologist Rupert Sheldrake, who has appeared on Dreamland. He says his research has shown that some people know who is calling them before they answer the phone. Other research into psi has been done by Dr. Peter Fenwick, who studies people’s deathbed visions and says this shows that consciousness survives death. Deborah Delanoy has found evidence that people can affect other people?s bodies with their thoughts.

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