It’s bad enough that the holocaust ever happened, but denying it is about as low as you can go. Some Americans still deny the truth, but surprisingly, despite the fact that the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has done so, most Iranians do not.

When the Danish press published an unflattering cartoon about the prophet Mohammed, Muslims all over the world rioted. The Muslim animosity towards Israel is well known, so one would assume that the average Iranian would feel that way too, since Iran sponsored the recent anti-Israeli actions in Lebanon, which were committed by the terrorist organization Hezbollah.
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El Nino may save us from hurricanes caused by global warming in the near future, since An El Nino is an extreme warming of the ocean waters in the Pacific that affects weather conditions worldwide. NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association) reports that the current, weak El Nino will last into 2007. This has already helped to mitigate the effects of climate change and make the Atlantic hurricane season milder than expected. Just like the sun, El Nino may be giving us a reprieve. The question is, will we use this time productively?
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According to new research, changes in the sun’s brightness over the past few hundred years have had only a small effect on Earth’s climate, so we can’t blame global warming on solar activity. But some researchers still think the sun has an influence on global warming and these researchers say the sun MAY give us a reprieve, a chance to save ourselves.
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UPDATE – There’s more news on using our surplus corn as fuel (in the form of ethanol). As our readers know, corn is not the best plant to use to convert into ethanol?other types of plants produce a more efficient fuel. Honda thinks it has found a way to convert plants waste, such as leaves and stalks, into fuel we can burn in our gas tanks.

In USA Today, Chris Woodyard writes that Honda is using a microorganism discovered in Japan that can convert vegetation into ethanol much more efficiently than the bacteria that is used to create ethanol now.
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