Unusual UFO Videos
90% of the UFO videos received by Unknowncountry.com areeither explainable, too faint or too blurred to make adetermination, or outright hoaxes. But the 10% that areclear and are not explainable are amazing. We keep the bestone we have ever received on view in our subscriber section.This is a clear image of a metallic disk that is morphingvisibly during the taping.
Two unusual UFO videos have been posted on Google videorecently, and one of them still has us stumped. One is fromChina, and involves a clear image of a UFO over an apartmentblock that suddenly disappears after a group of flashesappear on its edges.
To see the China video,clickhere. To learn our opinion of the video, and to viewanother unusual sequence, click on “Full Story.”
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