We once put up a story about fluorescent fried chicken and the late materials scientist Bill Mallow told us that certain bacteria can cause skin to glow under “black light,” which is light that is almost exclusively in the soft near ultraviolet range, given off from a special lamp that provides very little visible light. UFO researcher Dr. Roger Leir says that many abductees with implants have skin that glows under this kind of light. Now scientists have not only managed to breed baby rats from momma mice (by in vitro fertilization), but they also produced an unexpected benefit: the baby rats produced this way glow green!
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Wearing light solar-powered GPS satellite transmitters, wild swans from Mongolia are flying across Eurasia, scientists below them are tracking their journeys on computers in order to figure out how wild birds may be involved in the spread of bird flu.

This research, being carried out by US and international groups of scientists, is providing information on migration routes so governments can learn about when the potential threats of H5N1 bird flu virus could be landing in their areas. UN spokesman Dr. Scott Newman says, “We are working to understand the role wild birds may play in the spread of H5N1. Although poultry and bird trade are probably the primary routes of movement, migratory birds are likely involved in some areas.”
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We make one of the most important decisions of our lives?whether or not to trust another person?in less than one second. Psychologist Alex Todorov flashed photographs to 200 volunteers for one second?and sometimes even LESS, and asked them to rate how trustworthy each face was. Even if they were given more time, their original, “snap” judgement of the person in the photograph did not change.

LiveScience.com reports that Todorov still can’t figure out exactly what it was about each photo that made the faces seem trustworthy?or not.
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The USGS reports a 6.0 earthquake at 8:57 AM Central Time thismorning in the Gulf of Mexico. The quake took place in anarea not normally associated with earthquake activity, andis one of the strongest quakes ever recorded in the Gulf. Residents along the Louisana and Florida gulf coasts felt the tremor, but no damage was reported as the quake’s intensity had declined to around 3.0 on the Richter Scale by the time it reached land. There are numerous Quaternary Faults along the US GulfCoast, but they are not believed to have producedsubstantial earthquake activity for nearly two millionyears.read more