Human Evolution Based on Bird Attacks?
Maybe the reason that we humans evolved to become so war-like is that we were constantly having to defend ourselves?not just from attacks by each other but from snakes?and BIRDS.
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Maybe the reason that we humans evolved to become so war-like is that we were constantly having to defend ourselves?not just from attacks by each other but from snakes?and BIRDS.
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We’ve told you about the latest on autism, AIDS and bird flu?now we present the latest news on Alzheimer’s, the frightening disease that makes time meaningless.
Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center have successfully restored normal memory and brain functioning to mice suffering from Alzheimer?s disease. They have identified an enzyme that is required for normal brain function but that is impaired in mice that are bred to develop Alzheimer’s. When the enzyme?s function is elevated, the mice regain the ability to form new memories.
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A mystery cat that resembles a black panther has been sighted in New Zealand. The strange thing is about this is that New Zealand does not have any panthers, lions, tigers, leopards or wolves (except in zoos).
Hunters have now photographed the elusive big-black-cat of Canterbury, which most people assumed was only a legend.
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Here at, we have a special place in our hearts for cats?whether real, ephemeral or crytozoological!
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Although most of us aren’t aware of it (except those of you who come to our web site regularly!) there is a pole shift going on right now, which is part of a regular cycle. But something even bigger may have happened in the past: earth flop. And it could happen AGAIN.
Around 800 million years ago, the earth may have spun on its side to keep its balance, meaning that Alaska was suddenly located in the equator. The theory goes like this: If a very heavy formation, like a mountain or huge volcano, rises up far from the equator, the force of the planet’s rotation would pull the object away from the axis the Earth spins around, causing the earth to tilt and rotate until the extra weight moved closer to the equator, causing the whole system to be in balance once more.
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