The actor Christopher Reeve, who became paralyzed due to a riding accident, always insisted that he would walk again. He didn’t live long enough to see an amazing new breakthrough that might have made this possible.

A vaccine that stimulates the production of immune cells called T-helper cells, could enable people with serious spinal injuries to walk again. Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel have combined these cells with stem cells to repair broken spines in paralyzed mice. However, other researchers are skeptical about their results.
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From time to time we have reported on new weapons technology and have even interviewed experts on this subject on Dreamland. We have also reported on one of the mysteries of the crop circles that scientific researchers have discovered: that the “real” designs?the ones not created by manually crushing the crop?are made with sudden blasts of heat from an unknown device. Now it seems as if a similar device is being used as a weapon by the Israelis in the current fighting in Gaza.
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A videotape has been released by al Quaeda called “AnInvitation to Islam” which invites Westerners to convert toIslam, but cautions that they should hurry. Adam Gadahn,formerly Adam Pearlman of Orange County, Califonia, urgesconversion to Islam but then warns, “Decide today, becausetoday could be your last day.”

This relates to the idea, expressed by Salafi Muslims, whocontrol al Qaeda, that non-believers should first begiven a chance to convert, then attacked if they refuse todo so.Forced conversion after conquest was part of both Muslim and Christian expansion in the Middle Ages, and themessage suggests that, if an attack is immiment, it couldcause great loss of life and result in a situation whereforced conversion of the survivors would again be possible.
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A report on the inquest into the death of Princess Dianathat was being prepared by UK Metropolitan PoliceCommissioner Lord Stevens has been delayed after RoyalCoroner Michael Burgess stepped down, claiming an excessiveworkload.

Prior to her death, Princess Diana claimed in a letter thather husband, Prince Charles, was planning to kill her, andMohammed al Fayed, her lover’s father, has questionedprevious conclusions that the deaths of the Princess and hisson, Dodi al Fayed, were the result of an auto accident.

Lady Elizabeth Butler-Sloss has taken over the inquiry, andwill review documents relating to the deaths. She has been aHigh Court and Appeals Court Judge, and President of theFamily Division, and is greatly respected within the Britishjudiciary.
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