In Anne’s new diary she talks about a question that “reminds me of a basic conundrum of Christianity that?s as old as the Mary versus Martha question.” Anne and Whitley had a delightful time chatting with subscribers on Saturday. The COMPLETE text of their conversation with YOU (if you’re a subscriber) is now available on the subscriber section. If you want to be invited to their next chat, subscribe today!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Hydrogen fuel is not yet perfected for cars, but ethanol (made from corn) is already being used in some places. The latest news about hydrogen is that it has been successfully used to power a small drone airplane of the type now being used by US forces in the Middle East. The latest news about ethanol is that you may someday be able to DRINK the contents of your gas tank?but why would you want to?
read more reports that scientists at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory have discovered new evidence about who assassinated President John F. Kennedy. They says that chemical “fingerprints” on the bullets that killed the president and wounded then Texas Governor John Connally may have been misinterpreted by the original researchers and that the government’s single gunman theory is now untenable. This goes along with other new evidence that we reported about earlier.
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Scientists are speculating about whether or not our brains are programmed to have a belief in God. New studies show that, contrary to earlier opinion, we do not have a single God spot in the brain that is responsible for spiritual enlightenment. Instead, a group of different brain regions work together to bring people what they describe as mystical experiences.
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