While the rest of us swelter, or shelter from the latest storm, climatologists are using supercomputers the size of small buildings to track global warming. And no matter how much the government wants to deny reality, a new international poll reveals that most people know that the future is here?and it’s HOT.
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We’ve updated you on the AIDS virus and the bird flu virus and both are frightening. But scientists are actually finding GOOD ways to use bacteria and viruses?in toothpaste and cold cuts!

LiveScience.com reports that chewing gum, toothpaste and deodorant might soon contain beneficial bacteria to fight tooth decay and odor. Researchers know which bacteria cause tooth decay, by sticking to the surface of teeth and producing an acid that breaks down tooth enamel.
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The National Weather Service has announced that TropicalDepression Five now circulating in the Lesser Antilles withsurface winds of 35 miles an hour is likely to become ahurricane over the weekend and is headed toward the Gulf ofMexico.

Because Gulf waters remain abnormally warm, the entrance ofany organized storm into the Gulf is potentially extremelydangerous and must be watched carefully.

Tropical Storm Debbie in the south Atlantic does not yetpose a threat to land and is passing over waters that arenot likely to allow it to develop into a severe storm. Atpresent, it doesn’t appear that it is a threat to land.
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Now that astronomers say that Pluto can no longer be considered a planet, what are astrologers going to do? Pluto may have been put into limbo by astronomers, but it’s still on astrology charts, and nobody plans to remove it.
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