Antibiotic-resistant superbugs are back in the news. These are caught and passed around mainly in hospitals, because so many antibiotics are used there, but occasionally they escape and invade the “real world.” Some people think that Morgellon’s may be a superbug.

The official name for superbugs is MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). It’s a type of staph skin infection that’s being increasingly seen in communities across the nation that is resistant to antibiotics, such as cephalexin and dicloxacillin, that are most commonly used to treat skin infections. MRSA is the origin of all those stories about “flesh eating” diseases.
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Whether or not the huge creature known as the Loch Ness monster is a living dinosaur, we DO know that millions of years ago, huge carnivorous reptiles resembling Nessie lived in Australia. If the current Nessie isn’t real, we may soon be able to recreate her: A scientific breakthrough in DNA will make it possible for creatures that have been extinct since the Ice Age 30,000 years ago to roam the earth again?like Nessie does now?

BBC news quotes researcher Australian Benjamin Kear as saying, “Imagine a compact body with four flippers, a reasonably long neck, small head and short tail, much like a reptilian seal.” This creature grew to be around 16 feet long and had incredibly sharp teeth, so maybe we should hope that today’s Nessie IS a myth.
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On Saturday, Whitley answered questions from hundreds of people in the subscriber chat room about his new novel The Grays and about how it tells the story of his life, in fictional form. He’ll be there again soon, so if YOU want to join in, subscribe today. Every active subscriber, who subscribed by August 15, has a free Grays book plate on its way to them RIGHT NOW. EVERYONE can now listen to Whitley read chapter 3 of the book by clicking “Listen Now” on our masthead and scrolling down.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

If we can ever identify the genetic and psychological traits that make people criminals?especially killers?we may be able to lock them away BEFORE they kill. This theme was explored several years ago in the film Minority Report. Now it’s becoming reality.
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