We’ve recently written about the surprising evils of corn. Now it turns out that, along with baby bottles, corn may be at least partly responsible for the terrible epidemic of prostate cancer now sweeping the Western world.
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On Coast to Coast AM on Sunday night, George Noory asked astronaut Buzz Aldrin if he had seen any unknown objects on Apollo 11. He replied by telling the story of how he had sued Charles Berlitz for publishing a story to the effect that he had claimed to have seen aliens on the mission. He did not mention having seen UFOs, and the implication was that he had not done so. However, he said something VERY DIFFERENT in a recent UK documentary called “Apollo 11: the Untold Story,” which was first aired last year on British TV, and was repeated on July 24. Keep reading for a transcript from that show.

Narrator: But three days and 200,000 miles into the flight, Mission Control did miss the significance of a cryptic message from Apollo 11.
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Those of us who are Caucasian may not realize that black people DO tan. But until recently, even scientists didn’t realize that they are even MORE LIKELY to die from skin cancer than the rest of us. The melanin that makes their skin dark does not protect them. Researcher Hugh Gloster says, “There’s a perception that people with darker skin don’t have to worry about skin cancer, but that’s not true.”
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In 1974, a signal was detected by the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. The broadcast consisted of a transmission of a pictorial message, and in 2001, it was approximated in a crop circle. Another signal from the same star cluster was picked up 30 years later, in 2004. Both times, astronomers initially decided that the transmissions were of interest, then concluded that they must be meaningless, despite their seeming structure. However, artist Jonathon Keats claims that the signal is indeed a code, and that when deciphered, it becomes a work of art. The painting he has made from the signal is being exhibited at the Magnes Museum in Berkeley for six months. The show opened on July 30.read more