Lately we’ve been reporting on a Stonehenge that has been discovered in Brazil. Perhaps the imminent destruction of the Amazon rainforest in that country is leading us to discover these mysterious structures. Now another Stonehenge has been discovered, this time in France.
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Men are like dogs. No, this is not a sexist statement, it’s a scientific fact. Both men and male dogs lower their voices when they feel the need to dominate. Dogs growl at people and other dogs, and men do the same thing (at least when it comes to other men).

Ker Than writes in that a new study shows that the lower the pitch of a man’s voice is, the more physically dominant he seems to the other men he’s with. If he feels threatened, or if someone he feels protective toward is threatened, a man will unconsciously lower his voice.

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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “I have recently made some new friends and I have been analyzing the process of that strange thing called ‘friendship.’ When I was a child, like most people, I had close friends whom I don’t ever see anymore. In fact, I have no idea what happened to most of them. Then I had a middle period in my life when I was very lonely and it seemed like I didn’t have any friends, and I couldn’t figure out why. I think I’ve figured it out.” She also talks about sitting next to the most unpleasant person she’s ever met in her life! Don’t miss this one.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Buzz Aldrin did not mention seeing unusual or unexplainedobjects on the Apollo 11 mission on Coast to Coast AM duringhis July 31st appearance. He has beenquoted in numerous British newspapers as stating on Britain’sChannel 5 on Monday, July 24 that he, Neil Armstrong andMichael Collins all saw something unknown shadowing Apollo11 on the way to the moon. Brtish media reports state thathe said, “There was something out there, close enough to be observed, and what could it be?” in a UK documentary called “Apollo 11, the Untold Story.” He made no reference to this statement on Coast to Coast AM Monday night, but did mention a lawsuit he had pursued against Charles Berlitz for falsely claiming that he said he’d seen “littlegreen men.”
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