UPDATE – Shooting sulfur into the atmosphere, eliminating short plane trips, putting satellites in orbit around the earth to reflect sunlight?these are all the drastic measures that scientists are considering to solve the problem of global warming.

Why would we want to inject sulfur into our atmosphere?isn?t our air polluted enough? And sulfur smells terrible. In LiveScience.com, Sara Goudarzi explains that while burning fossil fuels produces the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, CO2 also cools the planet by forming pollution which reflects sunlight away from the earth. If we put EVEN MORE sulfur into the air, it may not be pleasant, but it will be cooler.
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There is actually a science about how gossip spreads. During the 2004 presidential election there were identical rumors about BOTH candidates Bush and Kerry, saying that each of them had misquoted the Bible. But if you’re a Democrat, you probably didn’t hear the Kerry rumor?and vice-versa. Is there any way to tell if the gossip we hear is true information?

In LiveScience.com, Corey Binns quotes psychologist Nicholas DiFonzo as saying, “The kind of network configuration we’re embedded in can either help or hinder us ferret out the facts?[for instance], the anti-Bush rumor would congregate with clusters of Democrats.”
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Modern science thinks that we might have become human in the first place in order to get away from snakes. But once we realized that wasn’t possible, human beings began working hard to develop antidotes to snake venom. But it turns out we already have lots of anti-venom?right inside our cells. It can protect us as long as we do not receive a large, lethal dose.

Ker Than writes in LiveScience.com that a protein called carboxypeptidase A is released by a certain type of cell in our bodies when we’re bitten by a poisonous snake. This protein actually helps to break down the venom.

It’s clear that, one way or another, humans and snakes were destined to live together in a sort of unholy alliance.
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MORE UPDATES – When it comes to avoiding war in the Middle East and solving the global warming problem, Hydrogen fuel could be the breakthrough we need?if we can only figure out a way to contain it in an automobile gas tank. Hydrogen particles are so tiny that they leak out, but now researchers think they have finally found a way to contain them.

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and considered an ideal energy source. When hydrogen burns, it produces only water, so it does not pollute the atmosphere. For this reason, it is considered an ideal alternative to fossil fuels.
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