Popular Dreamland host William Henry will be speaking in Southern California on July 19, 20 and 22. Here’s your chance to meet him in person!

On Wednesday, July 19 at 7:40 William will be will be giving his “Stargates of the Gods” presentation at the Orange County MUFON meeting a the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Avenue, Costa Mesa. On Thursday, July 20 he’ll give this presentation to the LA MUFON meeting held at St. Innocent Orthodox Church (Inside Herman’s Hall), 5657 Lindley Ave., Tarzana. Admission for each event is $9 for members and $15 for non-members.
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Scientists say the “terrible twos” are even more terrible if Mom smoked while she was pregnant. A psychiatrist has found that 2-year-olds who were regularly exposed to cigarette smoke in utero were nearly 12 times more likely to show clinical levels of behavior problems compared to toddlers who were not exposed.

Psychiatrist Lauren Wakschlag evaluated 93 children between their first and second birthdays. Forty-four of them were exposed to cigarette smoke before birth, and among those exposed, nearly half of their mothers reported smoking more than half a pack a day. The behaviors of exposed and non-exposed toddlers were compared.
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Scientists just can’t leave well enough alone. They’ve produced GM corn and inedible tomatoes, but now they’ve gone too far?they?ve re-engineered chocolate.

Would we want to eat chocolate that didn’t melt? Even though it was discovered in what is now Mexico and most of it is grown in the tropics, chocolate isn’t eaten much in hot climates because it’s too messy.
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Astronomers have discovered that we live in a kind of seltzer water. All around the earth, bubbles of superhot gas constantly grow larger and then pop. These are particles flowing from the sun that get caught up in the earth’s magnetic field.

The bubbles were first discovered in data collected by four spacecraft sent out by the European Space Agency in what was called the Cluster mission. At first, astronomers thought they were reading their instruments wrong. In space.com, Robert Roy Britt quotes UC Berkeley professor George Parks as saying, “Then I looked at the data from all four Cluster spacecraft. These anomalies were being observed simultaneously by all the spacecraft. That?s when I believed that they were real.”

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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