How can you tell if women are discriminated against, especially in the field of science? One way is to have been both a male AND a female scientist.

Nine years ago male Stanford University of Medicine professor Ben Barres was a woman professor at the same institution who was named Barbara. He definitely feels he had more trouble advancing in the field of science when he was a woman than he has since he has begun living as a man.
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Moscow News ( reports that a UFO has been seen over the Krasnodar region of Russia. According to Russian TV news, crop circles have also been seen in the same area.

There is no word about whether or not Krasnodar contains military installations, which is the kind of area where UFOs are often seen. The photographer who took photos of the UFO was in the area to film a wedding. The video of the UFO lasts about a minute and the image you see when you click the link below is NOT an image from the film. The UFO was described as having the traditional “falling leaf” motion that characterizes genuine sightings.
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NOAA has announced that average temperatures for the first half of 2006 were the highest ever recorded in the US. NOAA scientists say that temperatures for January through June were 3.4 degrees Fahrenheit above average for the 20th century. Previously, NOAA said that 2005 was the hottest year on record, so we’re not doing so well, when it comes to battling global warming.

Sara Goudrarzi writes in that Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri set the records for the highest heat. No state had cooler-than-average temperatures, although that’s part of global warming too, so that may happen in the future.

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Anne Strieber recently experienced magic while at the Magic Castle with a magician. But she’s decided that friendship, especially with the psychics she’s been meeting lately, is the most magical experience of all.

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