Several years ago, we interviewed Rick Strassman on Dreamland about his book “DMT: The Spirit Molecule.” He’s a University of New Mexico scientist who was given the first official government grant to do research on hallucinogenic drugs. He reported that all of the volunteers who were given the drug DMT saw the SAME visions?and they all came into contact with similar ET-like beings. Shamans report hearing the same reactions from people who use drugs, or other methods, to attain alternate mental states. The UK writer and explorer Graham Hancock experienced a vision that Anne Strieber recognized, when he took the hallucinogenic drug Iboga for research purposes and described his visions in his new book Supernatural, which will be available in the US on September more

Is California prepared for a major earthquake? Seismologists say the “big one” is on the way, and this time it will hit Los Angeles.

Yuri Fialko of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, who is investigating the San Andreas Fault, has produced a new prediction for the earthquake potential of the fault?s southern, highly populated section. The new study shows that the fault is now stressed to a level that could lead to the next “big one”?an earthquake of a magnitude of seven or greater?and the risk of a large earthquake in this region may be increasing faster than researchers had believed.
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Kim Bredesen writes in the July 1st Norwegian edition of the French newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique that the 911 twin towers collapse may have been a case of controlled demolition, as well as an attack that we knew about long before it happened but for some reason, did not act in time to prevent. Did the government want an excuse to invade Iraq so that it could put the Patriot Act into place, a suspension of the Constitution which Congress would only have been done during a time of war?
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Black people complain of being of being stopped for “DWB” (driving while black). Law enforcement people dispute these claims. But it turns out that when the victims are white, jurors are more likely to hand down death sentences to defendants with stereotypically black features.
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