A newly declassified report says that trident nuclear warheads, which are routinely moved from place to place so they do not make convenient targets, could become involved in a highway accident or plane crash, which could release a lethal dose of radiation.

In New Scientist magazine, Rob Edwards quotes a senior UK government official as saying, “The consequences of such an incident are likely to be considerable loss of life.” The US and the UK both use tridents and both countries move them regularly in order to insure a level of uncertainty about their locations. This was first done to ward off missile attacks from the Soviet Union and is now done to prevent terrorist attacks.
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The fire season will soon be here and we all hope it won’t be as devastating as the last few fire seasons were, when fires swept through large swathes of forests and national parks and destroyed entire neighborhoods in the Western US. Now the increase in the number of fires has been linked with global warming, since it brings us an earlier?and drier?spring.

A new study led by scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, implicates rising seasonal temperatures and the earlier arrival of spring conditions in connection with a dramatic increase of large wildfires in the western United States.
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When most of us hear the word psychopath, we think of a serial killer, but it turns out there are many more of them that we think. In fact, you probably know a few.

What is “psychopathy” anyway? Joseph Newman, who has spent his life studying prison inmates in Wisconsin, has devoted his career to answering that question. He says, “My main concern is that the label is applied too liberally and without sufficient understanding of the key elements. As a result, the term is often applied to ordinary criminals and sex offenders whose behavior may reflect primarily social factors or other emotional problems that are more amenable to treatment than psychopathy.”
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