Now that we know we can help alleviate global warming by doing something as simple as changing a light bulb, it’s time to do something bigger: invent a whole new type of power. A group of engineers have done just that: they?ve invented a combustion chamber where fuel is burned that will power a motor that gives off almost NO pollution at all?and it’s NOT nuclear.

The aim of this new combustion chamber is to reduce theproduction of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxide (NOx),which cause smog and other pollution. However, it’s not perfect: it still produces just as much of the greenhouse gas Carbon Dioxide (CO2) as a conventional engine.
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Anne Strieber has recently seen a ghost or traveled back in time, or maybe both.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Sociologists from Florida who are studying old-fashioned pirates who sailed the oceans in the 17th and 18th centuries (not the modern, movie kind) say that pirates were pioneers when it came to exploring new territory and meeting the native peoples they found there.

Researcher Jason Acosta says, “Hollywood really has given pirates a bum rap with its image of bloodthirsty, one-eyed, peg-legged men who bury treasure and force people to walk the plank. We owe them a little more respect.” He ought to know, since one of his ancestors was a pirate who fought for the United States in the Battle of New Orleans. He compared pirate charters with the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution and was amazed by the similarities.
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UPDATE – North Korea tested five missiles, one of them a long-range weapon of the type that could reach the United States. This missile, a Taepodong Type 2, failed 40 seconds into its flight, in all probability due to a fuel system breakdown.
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