Transparent jellyfish-like creatures called salps, which are about the size of a human thumb, are swarming by the billions into “hot spots” in the oceans?places where hurricanes are likely to develop. Scientists are hoping that they are transporting tons of carbon per day from the ocean surface to the deep sea, where it will not re-enter the atmosphere.
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Whitley Strieber is presently appearing on the Jerry Pippinshow, the first major interview he has done about hisupcoming book the Grays. He discusses some of the reasons hewrote the book, and where he thinks the rapidly-changingclose encounter situation is going. Are the grays good, orare they dangerous? If so, will they ever attack us? And ifthey do, then what are our chances of survival? WhitleyStrieber probably knows more about the grays than anybodyliving, including people hidden behind the scenes in thesecret government. You will find some fascinatingrevelations in this exceptional interview.

You can listen to this interview byclicking here.

Reserve your copy of the Grays at Amazon.comnow!
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One reason why it’s so dangerous to drive while using a cell phone is that, according to psychologist Justin Halberda,”human beings are limited to paying attention to no more than three objects at any one time.” It’s the reason why we could never make sense out of watching sports, like the World Cup, if the players weren’t all wearing the same color uniforms.

Halberda says, “We report the rather surprising result that people can focus on more than three items at a time if those items share a common color. Our research suggests that the common color allows people to overcome the usual limit, because the ‘color coding’ enables them to perceive the separate individuals as a single set.”
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But they won’t sneak inside for the ride, they will taken along on purpose. These are fruit flies, which are valued for medical experiments because they reproduce so quickly. Scientists want to see how they are affected by space travel, because they’re worried that long periods in space may depress astronauts’ immune systems. For long visits to the ISS in the future, as well as the colonizing of the moon or Mars, this is something we need to know about.
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