If the US public suffers from many more Katrina-style storms, maybe they will pressure the government to focus on cutting greenhouse gas emissions, instead of getting side tracked by political items like flag burning and gay marriage. Weather researcher Kevin Trenberth, who works for the US government, says, “The global warming influence provides a new background level that increases the risk of future enhancements in hurricane activity.” As one editorial writer said recently, “If only gay sex caused global warming,” implying that then the problem would be addressed immediately.
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UPDATE – The Shuttle Discovery, toof off on the 4th of July. While claiming “weather conditions” for the delay, NASA’s real worry was that they had discovered cracks in the insulating foam of the shuttle?the same thing that caused the Shuttle Columbia to explode in 2003, killing all astronauts aboard.

Roger Guillemette and Tariq Malik reported on the delay in the NASA web site space.com. On the same site, Joe Rao said that there are several ways to find out when the shuttle will be in the sky over your house, so you can spot it: click here, here or here.

Art credit: gimp-savvy.com
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UPDATE – Just in time to create really BIG fireworks for the 4th of July, an asteroid that may be a half-mile in diameter wide is coming our way. Astronomers assure us there is no danger of impact, but it will make an unusually close pass on that day. We’ve had other near misses lately.

Joe Rao writes in space.com that when this asteroid was first discovered, there were fears that it might hit the earth sometime in this century, so scientists have been monitoring it carefully in case they felt they had to try out some of their new techniques to destroy it or deflect it.

Art credit: gimp-savvy.com

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Bees use visual cues to find flowers with nectar and do a “bee dance” back at the hive to tell the others where to find them too. Once ants find a good source of food, they also return to the nest to tell others about it, but scientists have always wondered how ants, who often navigate in the dark, are able to find their way back home from their food hunting expeditions. It turns out they count their steps.
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