Taking that “red eye” overnight flight is more damaging to the environment than daytime air travel because contrails cause more global warming after dark. Winter flights are also harder on the environment than summer flights. And blocks of ice that crash suddenly from the sky are a sign of global warming, since they?re caused by freezing contrails.

Contrails warm the earth by trapping heat and keeping it from escaping, but they ALSO cool it by reflecting sunlight back into space. These two functions balance each other out during the daytime, but at night, the cooling effect is not in place, so the warming effect is greater.
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Anne Strieber wants to remind our readers that while her recent diary SEEMS to be about seeing (or rather, NOT seeing) a movie, if you scroll down, you’ll find that it’s really a valentine to fathers everywhere, so HAPPY FATHER?S DAY everyone!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

As we’ve reported here before, modern man isn’t the only one who has gone to the dentist. 4,500-year-old bones were found in Mexico which contained dentures made from jaguar or wolf fangs. George Washington hated his ivory dentures?he would have really hated these!

Archeologists think the teeth may have only been ceremonial, a way of conveying animal strength to the human wearing them.
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South America’s Aymara Indians of Bolivia, Peru and Chile, have a reverse concept of time: for them, the past is ahead and the future behind. A time traveler might think this way.

A Jesuit wrote in the early 1600s that the Aymara language was particularly useful for abstract ideas, and in the 19th century it was called the “language of Adam.” Maybe it is the language of the birds. It’s the first language in the world that linguists know of that does not place the future in front and the past behind.
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