Computers aren’t just used to figure out the present?they can also predict the future. Supercomputers play out various scenarios having to do with global warming?and asteroid impacts. You can be sure that the scenario in Iraq was played out on superocomputers before we invaded. It’s one way scientists can know what to do, in case the worst happens. Now a supercomputer has simulated how to keep the earth safe from an asteroid impact. This is what killed the dinosaurs and it?s almost inevitable that it will eventually wipe us out as well?unless we’re prepared.
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We’re used to being judged as second-rate among first-world countries, when it comes to health care, but at least we’re number one when it comes to universities. But we DO have an emergency, when it comes to our emergency services.

International educational experts say we have the best universities of all, based on Nobel prizes won and peer-reviewed articles published by professors. The list ranks Harvard University as number one in the world. The next is Cambridge in the UK, with Oxford coming in at tenth place.
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The old joke about how a woman can’t have sex because she has a headache has some truth to it: our brains continually wage war within themselves over which thought?or impulse?will “win” and get our full attention and action. Creative people who want to use their intuitive, unconscious minds often write or paint while listening to music or even watching TV. This keeps the logical part of the brain occupied so the more creative part can do the work.
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In order to figure out the climate, we’ve drilled into ice cores. Now we’ve found another kind of core to look at: sediments from the earth’s core that have been found over a thousand feet beneath the Arctic ocean, which reveal what happened to the earth in over 50 million years of climate change. Meanwhile, polar bears are suffering so much from global warming that they are becoming cannibals.
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