Women are getting tired of being the ones who have to do all the worrying and planning about contraception and are passing the responsibility on to men. Science is leading the way. Researchers are trying to find methods other than condoms or a vasectomy. They?re trying to find methods that are similar to the pills, sponges and diaphragms that women are familiar with. The British medical journal The Lancet reports on a study of men who took hormones to stop sperm production. They all recovered full fertility about four months after they stopped taking the hormones.
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Good news for those of us who are getting older: we’re also becoming happier. Scientists know that people in third-world countries are happier than those in the West. Now they’ve discovered that old people are happier than young people, even though BOTH groups think that young people are the happiest.
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An asteroid has been corkscrewing around earth for years.It’s finally heading off into deep space, so it won’timpact theearth.

Space.com reports that asteroid 2003 YN107 was discovered in2003 and started corkscrewing around earth in 1999. NASA’SPaul Chodas says it is “one of a whole population ofnear-Earth asteroids that don’t just fly by Earth. Theypause and corkscrew in our vicinity for years before movingalong.”

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Mountains of diamonds, free for the taking? Astronomers say a planet like this may someday be discovered orbiting a newly-discovered nearby star.

Ker Than writes in space.com that astronomers have detected large amounts of carbon gas in a newly forming solar system around Beta Pictoris, a young star that nearby. This means that in a few million years, planets could form around this star that, according to astronomer Marc Kuchner, might be ?covered with tar and smog,? but which could ALSO harbor “mountains made from giant diamonds.” He adds, “Life on such a planet is not implausible, but it certainly would be exotic.”
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