The first tropical depression of the 2006 hurricane seasonformed in the Caribbean in the same area that Katrina formedin 2005. The depression is poorly defined, with windsgusting to 35 miles an hour, but could become a named stormduring the coming week. If it moves northward into the Gulfof Mexico, it is likely to become a powerful storm, becausegulf water temperatures are at record highs due to globalwarming. At present, it appears that it will hug the Floridacoast and not develop beyond the level of a tropical storm.

The depression is located in the Caribbean Sea about 45miles west-southwest the western tip of Cuba. It is movingnorth-northwest into the Gulf of Mexico at about 12 milesper hour.

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When you go into a public toilet, do you dread sitting down? It turns out that these are not the repository for germs that we tend to think they are. In fact, in the home anyway, the toilet seat is often the most germ-free surface in the house!

Two years ago, we wrote about a study that showed that the cleaner your kitchen looks, the dirtier it actually is, since sponges harbor germs and wiping down surfaces spreads these germs around. Scientists have found that keyboards, computer mice and telephone dials contain 400 times as many germs as toilet seats.
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Will the recent killing of terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq bring any change in the number of suicide bombings going on in that country? When it comes to the Iraq war, our press pretty much toes the official government line, so we need to look to the UK for answers to that question.
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Exposure to pesticides may make the daughters of women who lived near or, worked in, agricultural areas, unable to breast feed their children. Mexican and other Latina immigrants are the most vulnerable to this. These people, being mostly of Indian origins, also have the diabetes gene, making it easy for them to gain weight and hard for them to lose it. Why does this matter? Because bottle feeding sets up babies of both sexes for metabolic syndrome, which leads to Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and high levels of “bad” cholesterol. It can also lead to prostate cancer in boys.
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