Today is June 6, 2006?or 666 to numerologists. In the Bible, Revelation 13:18 describes the number “666” as “the number of the beast.” No one seems to know exactly what this means, but many people think it refers to something evil. About a year ago, we told you that 666 is NOT the “number of the beast” anyway?that’s actually 616.

Theologian Greg Snyder says that the Biblical reference to “666” is a numeric code for a feared Roman Emperor, and not an indication of apocalypse. Revelation 13:18 ascribes the number “666” to the beast that rises from the sea and says it is also “the number of a man.” Since the second century, the number and identity of the malevolent, apocalyptic figure it supposedly identifies have been the focus of endless speculation.
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Many of you have written us asking about Art Bell, and we’ve been concerned, too. Now he has reported in, and all is more than well with him. He’s living happily with Airyn inManila, but having trouble with customs and paperworkgetting the equipment he needs to return to the air. He hashad the flu and is just now regaining his strength.

Fantastically, he reports that he’s about to quit smoking.For those of us who know him well, we wish Airyn all bestwishes in having accomplished this, and hope that she willsurvive what are apt to be some tense weeks.
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A few years ago we wrote that glaciers melting due to global warming could release ancient, long-dormant bacteria against which humans would no longer have any immunity. So far, much more ordinary things have been uncovered by glacier melt, so this has not proved to be a danger, but now we may be under another threat: alien rain.
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The oldest portrait ever created has been discovered on the wall in a cave in France, in an area where a lot of other prehistoric cave art has been discovered. A rock carving (petroglyph) has been discovered in Arizona that may have been carved by ancient Native Americans and may show the ancient supernova (or star explosion) of 1006.
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