US citizens are sicker, in general, than their UK and Canadian counterparts, and working moms are healthier than stay-at-homes.

While it may seem incredibly stressful to the women who are accomplishing this feat, holding down a job and being a mom in a steady relationship helps keep women healthy and in good shape, while a career as a homemaker seems to increase the chances of becoming obese.

Statistics show that by the age of 54, women who had been partners, parents, and employees were significantly less likely to report ill health than women who did not fulfil all three roles.
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Over the years, there have been suggestions that the enigmatic portrait that is known as the Mona Lisa is actually a portrait of the artist, Leonardo DaVinci, painted as a woman, which is why the sitters identity has been lost to history. In the movie and book The DaVinci Code, it’s alleged that the person sitting next to Jesus in his Last Supper painting is actually Mary Magdalene, rather than St. John. Now a Japanese forensics experts says he has recreated the Mona Lisa’s voice?as well as DaVinci’s own voice.
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Finally, some good news about the environment: the ozone hole over the Antarctic is closing and may disappear by the year 2050 because of the reduction in emissions of ozone-depleting gases.

What does ozone do for us, anyway? It protects us from excess radiation from the sun. The magnetic shield around the earth does the same thing, but this may be disrupted as the poles shift magnetic positions (something that happens regularly and is in progress right now), so we need a sound ozone layer.

However, there are still old refrigerators and air conditioners being used, mainly in the US and Canada, that give off high levels of ozone-destroying fluorocarbons. While these types of appliances are now illegal, there are still old ones in use.
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A year ago we warned you that baby bottles are dangerous for boys. The trouble is, in the US, bottle feeding babies is big business. Now a new cancer study shows that early exposure to low doses of environmental estrogens?which means the type of plastic in baby bottles?during development of the prostate gland in the male fetus may result in a predisposition to prostate cancer later in life. Since prostate cancer is killing men in this country at a high rate?the way breast cancer used to kill women?this is a major finding.
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