Babies that are born in the winter are bigger and do better. They may be smarter as well, since at the age of 7, children born in the winter months have larger heads. The season when you’re born can also determine whether or not you turn out to be an optimist or a pessimist.
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Will there ever be a united Iraq, or is this a dream that the West should give up on before there is even more loss of life? After the breakup of the Soviet Union, many of the countries they ruled with an iron fist divided into smaller, ethnically similar areas and seem to be very happy with that solution. We’re a country with many different races and religions, but that’s because this country was originally made up of immigrants. We may not be able to force our model of democracy onto the Iraqis.
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A computer hacker who spent years penetrating governmentcomputers (their security is abysmal) says that he saw proofthat NASA airbrushes UFOs out of satellite and shuttlephotographs to maintain a coverup. In an interview on the BBC program “Click,” Gary McKinnon,who faces 60 years in prison if he is extradited to theUnited States from England, said that he had obtained aphoto of an object that was “cigar-shaped and had geodesicdomes above, below, to the left, the right and both ends of it,” and that it was in space above earth’s atmosphere.When asked if it might be an artist’s impression, heanswered that he didn’t more

Once again, a huge block of ice has suddenly fallen from the sky, this time in Atlantic City, startling and confusing residents and?once again?leading to a promise of an FAA investigation.

Michael Pritchard writes in The Press of Atlantic city that residents of Brigantine, a suburb of Atlantic City, were outside in their yard when they heard a mysterious, loud whistling noise as a huge block of ice fell from the sky and crashed into the vacant lot next door, shaking the foundation of their house. It just missed hitting a woman who was cooking on her barbecue grill.
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