In the past, we have reported on non-smokers who get lung cancer. There has been some speculation that while these people may not have smoked cigarettes, they DID smoke marijuana, but researchers have discovered that smoking pot does not lead to lung cancer.

Scientists always assumed that smoking pot was even more dangerous than smoking cigarettes, but a new study shows that people who smoke marijuana?even heavy, long-term marijuana users?do not appear to be at increased risk of developing lung cancer.These findings were a surprise to the researchers. “We expected that we would find that a history of heavy marijuana use?more than 500-1,000 uses?would increase the risk of cancer from several years to decades after exposure to marijuana,” says Dr. Donald Tashkin.
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Besides the tragic earthquake in Indonesia, there are other strange and ominous changes going on in the earth. A rumbling volcano on a South Pacific island has puzzled scientists by changing the water in a lake from blue to bright red. A cliff in India has suddenly exploded like a volcano, spewing out rocks and debris. And geologists have discovered that a mountain near the Montana-Wyoming border once moved 62 miles in only a half hour, and they’re afraid it may do it again.

Ray Lilley reports that a lake on top of a volcano on the island of Ambae in the South Pacific has changed to what volcanologist Brad Scott calls “quite a spectacular red.” He thinks the color change has to do with the volcano’s renewed activity, which may be releasing chemicals into the water. read more

In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “A friend once told me that ‘marriage is a license to fart.’ I’m not going to comment on that, having been married a very long time, but I do think that religion has become a license to hate.” She also recommends two books about REAL spirituality and includes some wonderful reader comments. Don’t miss this!

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Popular Dreamland host William Henry will be on Coast to Coast AM with popular Dreamland guest Laurence Gardner on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, from 10 pm to 2 am Pacific time. Don’t miss what will surely be an extraordinary conversation! Gardner was one of the first people to propose the idea that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus, which is the theme of the book (and film) The DaVinci Code. William has visited the mysterious Rennes-le-Chateau and also has extensive and detailed knowledge about Mary Magdalene.

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