The next sunspot cycle begins in 2011 and is expected to beamong the most powerful in recent memory, but after that,the sun is going to sleep. Should it remain quiescent, thiscould mean that, by 2015, we’ll be heading for anotherperiod similar to the ‘Maunder Minimum,’ or Little Ice Age,that affected the world from roughly 1550 to 1850. Futuresolar activity on the surface is measured by indirectobservation of the Great Conveyor Belt, a fiery circulationdeep inside the sun. This circulation normally moves atthree feet per second, but has dropped recently to under oneand a half feet per second. The faster the movement, themore energetic the surface of the sun in about 20 years.Solar scientists have never seen it as slow as it is now. What does this mean for global warming?read more

In a recent newsletter, we reported on a mysterious skindisease that’s being seen in various parts of the country,called Morgellons Disease. Now scientists say this may be not be a physical ailment, despite the suffering that it iscausing. Many dermatologists agree, but the case is not yetclosed.
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UPDATE: A 6.2 quake struck Papua-New Guiinea Saturday night.The area it hit is sparsely populated and there arecurrently no reports of damage or injuries. The Indonesianquake, also 6.2 on the Richter Scale, struck at 5:53AM local time Friday in a heavily populated area of Java, and isbelieved to have taken at least 6,000 lives and injured2,000 or more. The quake, centered near the town ofYogyakarta, took place in an area where there has beenincreased volcanism in recent months. Mt. Merapi is eruptingnearby. Whether the quake and the volcanic activity arerelated is not known, but the quake was tectonic, notvolcanic in origin. Quakes caused by volcanism are due tomagma and gasses moving underground. Tectonic quakes arecaused by faults.
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UFOs are big news in Germany and South Africa. In Germany, digital photographs have been taken of a rectangular-shaped UFO. There has been a UFO wave in South Africa, where a frantic search has been launched for a crashed craft.

On May 6, Tushar Bhatt and his girlfriend were walking through a town in Germany, taking photographs with their new digital camera. When they looked at the photographs later, they discovered that there was a rectangular-shaped UFO in the pictures. Surprisingly, this is not unusual: photos of UFOs are usually always discovered this way, often quite a while after the pictures have been taken. UFOs are often fast and are generally always silent, so they are often not noticed when they are actually flying in the sky.
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