Whether or not you’re experiencing Christmas snow, it’s probably warmer than usual where you are. Even if all greenhouse gases had been stabilized in the year 2000, we would still be experiencing a warmer Earth and greater sea level rise right now, in the 21st century, according to a new study by a team of climate modelers.

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) says that computer studies show that rates of sea level rise and global temperature increase are already committed to in the 21st century. Even if no more greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere, surface air temperatures would rise about one degree Fahrenheit and global sea levels will rise another 4 inches by 2100.
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Newswise – Los Angeles and other big American cities aren?t the only places with smog problems. On December 7, Iran declared a smog emergency because the air was so bad in Tehran. That?s the bad news?the good news is that researchers have discovered that natural chemical processes in the atmosphere may be removing smog and other damaging hydrocarbons at a faster rate than once believed.

On December 7, as a thick, brownish yellow haze settled on the city of Tehran (which has 10 million people), residents told not to go to work or school for two days. Police prevented cars without a special permit from entering large parts of the city.
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Click here to see an incredible video of a UFO that was taken in Bulgaria. This is reminiscent of the UFO video that Jaime Maussan showed on Mexican television in the mid-1990s.

Meanwhile, The China Daily has announced that a Taiwan company is building a UFO research center on the mainland that will cost around $20 million. This is being built because people in this district say they were visited by aliensin 1994. This is an unprecedented example of cooperation between the two countries, especially since China has often threatened to invade Taiwan, which declared itself independent from the mainland after World War II.

Dana Augustine creates our beautiful weekly mastheads. To see more of his art, click here.

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NBC’s popular show “Medium” is based on the life of a real medium, Allison DuBois. Dr. Gary Schwartz, author of The Afterlife Experiments has subjected her powers to rigorous scientific testing. Listen as Whitley Strieber explores the truth about Medium with Gary Schwartz. For our subscribers, Anne Strieber discusses Gary?s upcoming book, the G.O.D. Experiments, where he uses a quantum physics approach to explore the existence of God. Then Linda Moulton Howe reports on the stunning finding that apparent human footprints discovered in Mexico are actually 1.3 million years old. This is a not-to-be-missed week on Dreamland radio!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more