The latest high-tech injury is iPod finger, arepetitive-strain injury from pressing down on the littlemusic player’s tiny buttons.

Chiropractor Carl Irwin says, “iPod users are constantlyusing small, difficult buttons with the same finger in arepetitive motion.” The nature of modern technology meansthat these devices are only going to get smaller in thefuture. Some iPod users have reported soreness in the hands,and in some cases even problems with moving their elbows and necks. The same types of complaints come from frequentcomputer users (the “tennis elbow” comes from using aseparate mouse). However, the most injuries still come fromtext messaging on cell phones, which have even smaller buttons.
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In November, Whitley Strieber sent out an appeal on behalf of a Mercy Corps project to distribute urgently needed blankets in Pakistan after the recent earthquake there has left so many people homeless. Thanks to you, it succeeded beyond our wildest dreams!
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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “This coming weekend, in a subscriber interview with Gary Schwartz?the author of The Afterlife Experiments and the upcoming book The G.O.D. Experiments?I discuss my near death vision of God as a mathematical formula. While I have never written about this before, I did discuss it on Coast with Art Bell, shortly after I got out of the hospital.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Newswise – Psychologists and media experts say that African Americans are still nearly invisible in many parts of the news media and the entertainment industry. The media often ignores African Americans, as both victims and heroes, in books, movies and TV shows, even when they are an major part of the story.

Psychologist Rudolph Alexander says one example of this was the media coverage of Jessica Lynch, a White U.S. soldier who was captured while in Iraq and later rescued. Much less attention was given to Shoshana Johnson, an African American woman who was also injured and captured along with Lynch.
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