Newswise – The government is using illegal Mexican immigrants to clean up damage from Katrina. Meanwhile, President Bush wants to create a “guest worker” program, somewhat like the “brasero” program of the 1940s and 50s.

Economist Paul Hancock says the use of migrant labor to harvest America’s crops is a product of policy decisions dating back to 1909. He says, “It’s far more complex than conventional economic principals about the supply and demand of labor. Economic, political and cultural processes, operating in both the United States and in nations that send migrant workers to the United States, are at work. Unfortunately, few people have examined migrant labor in anything other than simplistic economic terms.”
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Over the past two days, major earthqakes have struck inChina and Iran. The Chinese quake, which measured 5.5 on the Richter Scale, struck at 8:49 Saturday morning along theHubei-Jiangxi provincial border, a short distance from thecity of Jiujiang. It killed at least 17 people and leftthousands homeless. This morning, at least ten people were killed and many more injured when a quake measuring 6.6 on the Richter Scale struck southern Iran. The quake was centered 35 miles south of Bandar Abbas, and took place at 1:52 PM local time.
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Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer stated flatlyin a speech in Toronto on September 25 that UFOs are not only real but that “current and past US activities risk”intergalactic war.” Hellyer, Canada’s Defense Minister from 1963-67, said, “UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head.”

He then went on to say that the current US effort to createa permanent moon base was to give American forces a bettermeans of tracking and possibly shooting at UFOs, and that “the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war.”
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Attention all dieters: You can now read the LAST chapter of Anne Strieber’s diet book What I Learned From the Fat Years.

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