Newswise – SAD, seasonal affective disorder, is depression that somepeople feel as the days get shorter and darker. A new studysuggests that hamsters may suffer from symptoms of anxietyand depression during the dark days of winter, just as somehumans do. If this is the case, we can try to mitigate thiscondition in hamsters, so we can cheer up SAD people as well.

Researchers found more symptoms of depression and anxiety inhamsters that were housed for weeks in conditions withlimited daylight, as they would be in winter, when comparedto hamsters who had days with longer daylight.
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You can listen to Anne Strieber read Chapters 1 and 2 of her new novel Little Town Lies, which is in bookstores now. Click “Listen Now” on our masthead, then scroll to the last item on the list, called Little Town Lies. You can also read Chapter 1 in this month’s Texas Monthly and also online.

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In Chapter 8 of What I Learned From the Fat Years, Anne Strieber writes: “After years of desperate dieting, I made a final pact with my body: I would go on one last diet. This had to be a diet that was sure to work, because I wanted to finally triumph over aging, my genes and my environment.” She discovered the ultimate diet, but gained some wisdom about ordinary dieting along the way.

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We’ve learned more about our use of chemical weapons in Iraq. Besides white phosphorus, we may have used napalm. While we are certainly justified in using all weapons against an enemy that it attacking us, we are supposed to be in Iraq in order to change hearts and minds. The Iraqis never attacked us before we invaded their country.
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