Anne has always stressed that her diet book, What I Learned From the Fat Years, is for both men and women, but her new Chapter 6 CLOTHES is just for you gals. Anne says, “It’s only in the last few years that fat women been able to go into a typical department store and come out with something to wear. After I gained weight, I found myself in exile?not from my friends, but from my favorite stores?I was surprised to find that this doesn’t always change even when you get down to your ideal weight.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Newswise – Quantum physics tells us that the world is much different than we have been taught in school or perceive it to be. We are aware of 3 spatial dimensions. But physicists say there are at least nine spatial dimensions, six of them hidden from us, perhaps curled up in some way so they are tiny and undetectable.

Researchers Andreas Karch and Lisa Randall are searching for the answer to the question of why we cannot perceive these extra 6 spatial dimensions. They believe the way our universe started and then diluted as it expanded favored the formation of three- and seven-dimensional realities. It’s just chance that the one we experience has three dimensions. They say, “That’s what comes out when you do the math.”
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Newswise – In her new novel Little Town Lies (in bookstores now), Anne Strieber writes about a surprising serial killer. Anne will read several chapters from her book on this website. We know that serial killers are psychopaths?monsters created by childhood sexual abuse. But one little-known fact that most of them are male and that 85% of them come from the US. Psychologists don’t know why this is, but it does say something about the true level of sexual abuse in this country.

Sexual abuse is no longer the dark secret that it once was in some families and schools in the past, since every psychologist now recognizes the traits in their patients that indicate that they’ve been a victim of this type of abuse.
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Fireballs and strange lights in the sky have been sighted from California to Pennsylvania to Maine?and also in Canada, Germany and the Netherlands. Can some of these be comets, meteors or asteroids?and what’s the difference between them? Asteroids and meteors are space rocks, while a comet is mostly made of ice.
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