Vermonters will decide at their Convention on Independence, which will be held in the House Chamber of the State House in Montpelier on Friday, October 28th, 2005. This will be the first statewide convention on secession in the US since North Carolina voted to secede from the Union on May 20, 1861, starting the Civil War. The problem this time isn?t slaves, it’s big government, big business and the oil shortage. Vermont was an independent republic from 1777 to 1791?could it become that again? The keynote speaker at the convention will be James Kunstler, author of “The Long Emergency,” who was a recent guest on Dreamland.
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While scientists still disagree over whether or not bird flu will become a dangerous epidemic of the kind that killed millions in 1918, bird flu has quietly entered the UK, in the form of a dead parrot that has tested positive for the bird flu virus H5N1. This should be a warning to everyone who keeps an exotic bird as a pet. Other recent warnings include not eating undercooked chicken or eggs.
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In Whitley’s new journal he writes, “A few weeks ago, I wrote a journal entitled the Smashed Pillars of Conservatism. This got me branded as a liberal, as if that was some sort of dirty word. Now I’m going to lash out against the left, so it’ll be time to be called a fascist, I suppose. The truth is that neither the left nor the right work.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Accuweather is predicting that the remains of HurricaneWilma and Tropical Storm Alpha could meet in the Atlanticsouth of the US midatlantic states on Tuesday and createsevere weather conditions in the area. Under the headline”Super Storm 2005 to Hit Northeast,” Accuweather explainsthat Wilma and the remains of Tropical Storm Alpha will bepulled north along the Atlantic coast by the action of theJet Stream.
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