Newswise – That’s “lunch,” not “launch”?Imagine building a lunar vehicle and taking it 233,857 miles from the Earth to the moon only to forget to pack a lunch for the drive across the moon’s landscape. The solution: pack a lunch and reduce cargo weight at the same time by building an edible lunar rover.

A group of Ball State University students is working with six grade students from Australia?an unlikely combination?to find a way to build a working space craft made of edible food that is no bigger than 8 inches in length and 4 inches wide. It must have two axles, four rotating wheels and be entirely edible, except for toothpicks.
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British Astronomer Royal Martin Rees thinks there’s life in space and that we’re going to find it soon. He thinks we’re going to find a simple form of life on Mars or on Jupiter’s moon Europa.

Rees reminds us that there are millions of suns and solar systems out there, and some of the planets orbiting there could definitely harbor intelligent life. Is intelligent life common, or uncommon, in the universe? Scientists are divided about this question.
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Egyptian archeologists are now using robots to explore the secret chambers of the pyramids. Over the last few years, we’ve written extensively about these explorations, the results of which are often kept secret by the Egyptian government. Now it’s been announced that a robot will be sent up two of the tiny shafts in the Great Pyramid of Giza to discover whether a secret burial chamber contains the mummy of the pharaoh Cheops.
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We’ve got had the one-two punch of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the northeastern part of US is experiencing severe floods. Climatologists may not all agree on the details of what’s causing global warming, but they all agree on one thing: in the future, storms will be a lot stronger than they used to be. Researchers are using their super computers to forecast which areas will be hit the worst?but they’re not sharing their results with us, out of fear of its impact on the economy, but some of this information is sneaking out.
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