Oh, no, not Teflon! We’ve all loved this non-stick cooking surface ever since it was developed from research done by NASA for the space program. But now the EPA warns that even low-level exposure to this substance can cause “apotential risk of developmental and other adverse effects” on human health.

Juliet Eilperin writes in the Washington Post Teflon may eventually be regulated by the government, causing havoc in the business community, as well as in kitchens all over the world. The EPA wants to fine DuPont, the company that produces perfluorooctanoic acid, also known as C-8 (the main ingredient in Teflon) over $300 million for suppressing the results of its studies showing the dangers of the popular non-stick coating.
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Newswise – We’ve written before about clothes that make you invisible. Most of us will never wear these, but lots of female cell phone and PDA users are interested in an invention called the “Power Purse,” which is covered with solar cells that can recharge batteries.

Joe Hynek started out with a hat with solar panels that can either heat or cool the wearer’s head, but not everyone considers it fashionable. He says, “A large problem with putting technology in clothing is that it looks dorky. My goal is to use solar cells in a way that?s unobtrusive to fashion while making something that?s useful.”
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The human brain is still evolving and becoming larger, according to researchers who have analyzed two genes that regulate brain size. These genes, associated with larger brain size, appeared at about the same times as the emergence of culture, agriculture, and written language in human populations. On the other hand, researchers have also discovered that brain size alone does not necessarily determine intelligence, because while bird brains are tiny, parrots are some of the most intelligent creatures on this planet.
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One thing that is consistent about viruses is that they constantly mutate. This is why new flu vaccines have to be produced every year. Now it’s been announced that avian flu has reached Europe?that’s the bad news about viruses. The good news? The virus that causes HIV, which leads to AIDS, is getting weaker.
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