Riding a bicycle to work instead of driving may be good exercise, as well as good for the environment, but if you’re a man, it can end your sex life. Doctors have found that pressure on the scrotum of a male bike rider can not only adversely affect the ability to get an erection, it can also affect libido, which is the desire to have sex. Many men do not realize that Viagra only facilitates sexual ability, it doesn’t help you feel sexy (except as a placebo). If you want to find out whether you need Viagra or other sexual enhancement medicine, you need to take the postage stamp test.
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NASA has discovered that our sun has a twin that is nearly identical in temperature, rotation and age. Scientists hunting for extraterrestrial life hope to find planets orbiting around it.

Tariq Malik writes in the NASA website space.com that the star, called 18 Scorpii, is less than 50 light-years away in the constellation Scorpio. It burns only slightly hotter than the Sun, and rotates slightly faster, taking 23 days to complete a rotation rather than 25. But it’s an extremely close match.

If we can spot a planet orbiting around it that’s about the same distance away as the Earth, we may have a reason to make contact.

Art credit: http://gimp-savvy.com
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Now that summer is over, some of us may look in a full length mirror and realize that, as author Gail Sheehan once wrote, “everything is a couple of inches lower than it used to be.” This could be due to gravity, but it could also be the case if you played volleyball in a bathing suit, because according to a German surgeon, it can lead to sagging breasts in women and sagging testicles in men.

Even Olympic women’s volleyball teams wear bikinis, but now that this is known, they may begin wearing more sports clothes with supportive elastic. Volleyball on the beach is very popular in Germany and is sometimes even played topless.
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In announcements about how lethal the upcoming bird flu pandemic will be, experts are contradicting themselves. As we’ve told our readers before, the best weapon against bird flu is to wash your hands whenever you come in from outside, because flu virus lives on surfaces. This is especially important now that Tamiflu may not be working anymore. In Asian countries, children are the first to contract bird flu because it’s usually their chore to feed the family’s chickens and ducks. Kids are the first to catch flu in the US as well, then they pass it on to the rest of us.
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