We recently posted an article advising all our readers to keep the prescription drug Tamiflu on hand to fight the symptoms of bird flu. But viruses mutate constantly, and bird flu is no exception. It may already be too late, because avian flu is becoming resistant to Tamiflu, despite the fact that it’s being stockpiled by countries all over the world.

Unlike most other flu viruses, which affect the respiratory tract, the H5N1 bird flu virus leads to pneumonia symptoms. A person with a strong immune system can fight these off, but a surprising number of seemingly healthy people have succumbed to pneumonia, especially when hospitalized.
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NASA chief Michael Griffin now says that the last 30 years of the space program, which has focused on the space shuttle, with the idea of militarizing space, has been a mistake which has held us back from what should have been our real goal of space exploration.

Traci Watson writes in USA Today that Griffin admits that NASA began to go in the wrong direction in the 1970s by focusing on the ISS space station, which can only orbit the Earth. We still do not have the capability to visit other planets.
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Are we heading for another depression, like the one the world experienced starting in 1929? The economic disturbances caused by the great flood of 1927 were one factor that led to the 1929 crash. The decimation of shipping routes in New Orleans and refineries in Houston by hurricanes Katrina and Rita could be the trigger for a new one.
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After the experience with hurricanes Katrina and Rita, municipalities all over the country are reassessing their disaster preparations. In California, the main threats from nature are brush fires and earthquakes. The Santa Ana winds that arrive every October fan any flames that start into huge life threatening wildfires. But earthquakes are what Angelenos fear the most, due to their proximity to the San Andreas fault. Are they prepared for the inevitable?
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