National Data Buoy Center recording buoys are transmittingwave heights in excess of 30 feet beneath Hurricane Rita.This suggests a possible storm surge in excess of 22-24 feetif the storm does not weaken dramatically in the next fewhours. As Rita moves closer to shore, it is also crossingsomewhat cooler waters and weakening. But on Friday it willstart to intake air from overland, and at present airtemperatures and humidity levels over south Texas andLouisiana are so high that this could strengthen it again.
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Newswise – We recently asked the question, how can millions of US kids all have the same disease? Over four million children in this country are being medicated for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In the past, children’s short attention spans have been blamed on too much television watching. Now experts say the whole problem may be a lack of sleep.

Sleep researchers say that before prescribing Ritalin or other drugs, doctors should question parents about their child’s sleep habits. Children with ADHD are fidgety and seem overstimulated, unable to concentrate in class. If ADHD kids are TOO alert, how can they be sleep-deprived?
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Gas prices are rising so quickly, in response to the situation in the Middle East and do disasters like Katrina, that university professors are researching how to save gas. However, gas prices tend to fall much more slowly, and experts say this is partly the fault of consumers.

How can this be when we feel like the victims? But a recent study suggests that while consumers hunt for the lowest possible prices when costs are rising, they don’t shop around as much when prices start falling, but tend to go to the nearest gas station or the one where they can use their gas credit card. The result is that gas stations don’t have much incentive to drop prices quickly when wholesale costs drop.
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They drink green tea! Researcher have discovered that a major ingredient in green tea prevents cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. China and other Asian countries, where the most green tea is consumed, are well known for paying attention to the wisdom of their elders.

Researchers at the University of South Florida have found that green tea may protect the brain against the ravages of Alzheimer?s disease. In an article published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the researchers report that a component of green tea prevented Alzheimer’s-like damage in the brains of mice genetically programmed to develop the disease. This component has also been widely studied for its reported protection against certain cancers.
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