Despite the recent crackdown on bad language on television and radio shows, swearing is nothing new. In fact, many of the same words that are considered “clean” today were considered “dirty” in the past.
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Hurricane Rita is now impacting the Florida Keys and Cuba,and the front of the eyewall, with sustained winds at or inexcess of 100 miles an hour, is going to strike the Keysdirectly. The storm has been re-designated as a category 2hurricane, and is well organized. It is also on a coursethat will take it into the Gulf of Mexico, and it isunlikely to become disorganized during its passage throughthe Florida Straits. Once in the Gulf, the storm could wellgrow into a monster. While New Orleans is again being evacuated, the most likely landfall is Texas.
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Hurricane Maria moved across the Atlantic and, still intactas a category 1 hurricane, struck the coast of Norway onSeptember 15, causing widespread flooding and leaving oneperson dead.

Maria hit the western shores of Scandinavia with winds of 60miles an hour.

“The hurricane didn’t touch the American coasts and hastherefore maintained a large portion of its energy as itcrossed the Atlantic,” the Swedish Meteorological andHydrological Institute said in a public advisory on its website.

The Finnish Meteorological Institute also issued a stormwarning for the northern part of the Baltic Sea, andpassenger ferries between Helsinki and Estonia were dockedto avoid the high seas.
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In front of 40 board members, investment banker John Merriman got a radio-frequency ID tag implanted in his upper arm. This is an extension of military technology which allows downed pilots to be identified. It may also be inspired by ET technology.

Merriman’s implant contains his living will, so it can be read in case of emergency. VeriChip, the company that made the implant, says that in the near future, almost everyone will have an implanted ID. So far, only about 50 people in the US have one.
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