NASA has announced plans to put astronauts on the moon by 2018, and eventually use the moon as a way station for visiting other planets?especially Mars. Are we returning to the moon to secure the fantastically valuable Helium 3 fuel that is lying on the surface? Helium 3 is undoubtedly the reason that China is determined to go to the moon.

Leonard David writes in reports that The New York Times has criticized the project as lacking “the pizzazz to inspire public support” and says it will be “operating under budget constraints that make delays or overruns likely.” The cost is estimated to be around $104 billion. Sherwood Boehlert (R, NY) says there is “no credible way” to accomplish this task unless the NASA is given a bigger budget than it has been promised. read more

There was a record loss of ice in the Arctic this summer, and climatologists are saying that the Earth may have passed the “tipping point” at which global warming is now inevitable. Hurricane Katrina is an example of this. While scientists don’t think global warming causes more hurricanes to form, they know that it DOES make the ones that do form much more violent.

The Arctic may have now reached an irreversible level of warming which means that more ice will melt in the future. In fact, the Arctic ice is melting so quickly that climate instability is inevitable. If (or when) the huge glaciers in Greenland melt, sea levels will rise and coastal cities will be engulfed.

Get ready for a permanent change in the weather.
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There are currently three hurricanes and two tropical stormsin the middle south Atlantic and Pacific oceans. One of thetropical storms, Rita in the Atlantic, is expected to crossthe Florida strait into the Gulf of Mexico, where watertemperatures remain abnormally high.

According to sources, Rita has alreadytriggered evacuation orders foroil platforms in the Gulf.

If the storm remains organized when it reaches the Gulf, itcould well strengthen into a powerful hurricane. If it doesso, it will threaten land. There is no way to tell where itmight make landfall if it does reach the Gulf and strengthen.
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Newswise – Perdue University researchers, who told us how to wash clothes so they emerge much drier, have now turned their attention to how to save gas. It turns out that the way you drive can make your car much more gas efficient?even if you don’t have a hybrid.

Mechanical engineer Heather L. Cooper has several suggestions that will improve gas mileage. When running the air conditioner, use the recirculation setting to minimize the energy necessary to maintain a constant temperature in the vehicle. Setting the air conditioner at a comfortable temperature and not adjusting it will use less fuel than turning it on and off as needed.
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