A mysterious bulge in the Earth’s crust is growing in Oregon, meaning magma underneath the surface is on the move and could erupt into a volcano soon. The bulge is in the Three Sisters mountains, which are remnants of volcanoes in the Cascade mountains that were thought to be extinct.

Lucy Sherriff writes in The Register that there was a series of small earthquakes in the area last March. One type of earthquake is caused by the movement of magma underground. As scientists who study quakes now know, a series of small earthquakes is a sign that a big one may be on the way.

The bulge was first spotted by NASA satellites. The potential volcano is near the town of Redmond.
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Human-to-human transmission of bird flu in four Southeast Asian countries has caused scientists to announce that the threat of a bird flu pandemic looms large. At first scientists weren’t sure it was spreading from person to person, but now they have documented cases of this in Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. It’s inevitable that it will soon strike the US.
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UPDATE: The Shelbyville Times-Gazette has reported that 40,000 dead bodies may be found when New Orleans is drained and other hurricane areas, such as Biloxi, Mississippi, are cleaned up. This estimate was based on an interview by reporter Clint Confehr with mortuary owner Dan Buckner, who says the government has ordered 25,000 body bags for the cleanup. For more information, click here.
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This week on Dreamland Anne Strieber is back! Jim Kunstler is one of her favorite people, and she interviews him in a special edition of Dreamland. Her brilliance, wit and that warm voice are back–and it’s a great interview! In her new diary, she writes excerpts from their recent email conversations.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more