Many of us non-mathematicians are intrigued by the movie “Proof,” the TV show “Numbers” and the book “Freakenomics,” even though we don’t fully understand how math problems are solved. Now University of Massachusetts researchers have invented a new algorithm which solves the problem that has puzzled mathematicians for years: how does “six degrees of separation” work? This is the theory, made into a play and then a movie of the same name, that says that there are only 6 people between yourself and anyone in the world you want to make contact with.
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If we could desalinize ocean water in large amounts, many of the world’s water shortage problems would be solved. New research may make it possible to recycle ocean water for drinking. The California Dept. of Water Resources is extremely interested in this, since they are a high population state that is running out of water and is situated right on the ocean. One big problem is how to dispose of the salt that’s removed. The extremely salty water that is the byproduct of this process could be dumped back into the ocean (where it would have to eventually be removed again) or put into ponds for evaporation (which would produce sea salt, which could then be sold) or injected into the ground.
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A quirky or socially awkward approach to life might be the key to becoming a great artist, composer or inventor. New research shows that people who behave oddly, but are not psychotic or schizophrenic, are more creative because they use more of the right side of their brains. Psychologists believe that famous creative people, including Vincent Van Gogh, Albert Einstein, Emily Dickinson and Isaac Newton, had what they call schizotypal personalities.
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Three areas of tropical storm activity continue to unfold inthe south and central Atlantic, and two of them posepotential danger to land, meaning a second hurricane could strike New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.

Tropical Depression 16 has formed between Bermuda andFlorida over the past 24 hours and has triggered tropicalstorm warnings for the east coast of Florida from Jupiter toMerritt Island. At present, this is expected to become atropical storm by midnight tonight, and to begin to movenorthwestward. Should it remain intact as it crosses Floridaand enter the Gulf of Mexico, it is likely, because of airand water conditions still present there, to evolve into amuch larger storm.
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