New Orleans has become a fetid, filthy city that’s dangerous to be in. At the moment, the danger to the health of its remaining citizen equals that of some of the worst third world cities. We all know about the sewage and corpses floating in the water?and the alligators that are feeding off the bodies?but there are more subtle problems, like mosquitoes carrying the yellow fever virus, a disease usually only found in Africa and South America.
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Mysterious orange lights resembling the Phoenix lights have been seen in the skies of Cheltenham in the UK, as well as in the country of Mexico. They are also being seen again in Phoenix and have been spotted in New Mexico.

Observers at first thought they might be fireworks. This is similar to early reports that the Phoenix lights may have been flares dropped from military aircraft, although this theory has since been disproved.

Although most people in the UK reported the lights as being orange, some people insist they were red and green. Interestingly, these “Christmas colors” are commonly seen in UFO sightings. Scientists say the lights were not satellites or comets.

To see daylight images of recent Arizona UFOs, click here
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Scientists say that hurricane Katrina, which is being called the worst weather disaster ever to hit the US, is not a unique event. Global warming is causing more storms in the Atlantic and ocean temperatures and trade winds?the two forces behind a hurricane?are increasing in the Caribbean and North Atlantic.
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Former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer will give a speech at the University of Toronto on “Why Information Concerning Extraterrestrial-Related Phenomena And Government Involvement With These Issues Is Still Being Withheld From The Public By Specific Western Nations.”During his government term, Hellyer worked against the weaponization of space.

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