The New York Timesreports that members of a classified military intelligence programcalled Able Danger contacted the FBI in 2000 with detailedinformation about a terrorist cell that involved theringleader of the 911 terrorist attacks, Mohammed Atta.

Lawyers at the Special Operations Command of the DefenseDepartment refused to allow Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer totransmit the crucial information to the FBI. The reasongiven was that they “feared controversy” if Able Danger wasrevealed to be monitoring people who were legally present inthe United States.
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As Groucho Marx once said, “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor. Rich is better.” Rich people do tend to be happier than poor people, according to sociologists?but only if they’re richer than their (rich) neighbors. We all want to be able to keep up with the Joneses; the problem is, we all have different “Joneses.” Money only buys happiness if it buys you a better life than the people you’re in competition with, and no one else counts. This is why Enron executives were so surprised when no one wept for them when they were forced to sell their expensive vacation homes. It also explains why CEOs keep demanding astronomical sums of money, even though they already have more than they can spend in a lifetime.
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We’ve recently written about the tragedy of nonsmokers getting lung cancer. Women are more vulnerable to this. If there was a simple, inexpensive, painless test for lung cancer that could be taken early, before symptoms show up, would we take it? Or would it be like it can be with the AIDS test and mammograms–people don’t want to know?

There IS a test for the world?s deadliest cancer that can catch the disease when the tumors are smaller than a pea. If you’ve ever smoked, or been exposed to secondhand smoke, you may want to take it. However, doctors are waging an uphill battle to get nervous current and former smokers to get this special kind of X-ray test, even though it costs as little as $300.
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New DNA studies show that all cats, big and small, are closely related. The prehistoric saber-toothed tiger is an ancestor of the housecat of today. It only took 15 million years?a blink of an eye in geologic time?for cats to become excellent land predators. Cats were first domesticated in Egypt, where they were mummified and worshipped as gods for their mousing abilities. A recent archeological study in Cyprus proves that that humans gave kept cats as helpmeets for at least 9,500 years.

Cheetahs evolved in the opposite direction of man, who started out in Africa. Africa is the only place in the world where these large spotted cats exist today, but they may have started out in the Americas.
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